Monthly President’s Letter: July 2024

Dear Community Members and Builders,
We wrapped up TRF Camp Build this month with our final weeklong camp in Charlotte. Thank you to the amazing volunteers who put so much time and effort into launching the camp in Charlotte, especially our leads Stacy Quilla and Troy Vandine.
TRF Camp Build is the only national hands-on construction camp, and we graduated 107 campers! I consider this true INNOVATION that we developed and implemented two years of curriculum nationally where campers around the country receive professional instruction on the trades and learn how to safely use both hand and power tools to build for themselves and their community. Over 100 middle and high schoolers participated in TRF Camp Build this summer and left empowered and confident. I hope you enjoyed watching our daily videos on our YouTube channel as much as I did. Hopefully, watching our campers navigate through the uncomfortable and unknown to take advantage of the new opportunities inspires you to try something new and expand your knowledge, experience, and skills.
Bravo to our staff, volunteers, and sponsors for a job well done! Thank you for sharing your time, talents, knowledge, and skills with our campers.
We received 277 annual grant applications this month, which have kept staff and the Grant Making Committee hard at work determining where to allocate our $1.3M. We will SHARE how we CARE with the allocation of $1.3M when we publish the 2024 Annual Grantee information in our September newsletter. So, keep an eye out for it! Thank you to all the nonprofits who submitted applications.
Our Annual Golf Tournament and Auction is around the corner. We hope to continue to EXCEL this year. We are at 72% of our fundraising goal. Limited sponsorship opportunities remain. Snap them up before they are all gone! We continue to seek donations for our raffle and auction. Please reach out to Operations Manager Hope Piernick for more information.
Continued thanks to field employee members for LISTENING to our monthly toolbox talks. This month, we shared about our $50k in Emergency Grants available to support our nonprofits when unbudgeted expenditures occur (i.e. washing machines break down, HVAC systems die, pipes burst etc). This year, we have distributed $23,300 in emergency grants. Our Grant Making Committee reviewed five (5) new emergency grant applications this month and recommended funding two (2) of them, which the Board did. To see a full listing of grantees, visit our website.
Our volunteers demonstrated our WE CARE core value.
In Hanover, volunteers volunteered with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Maryland. Our Temple volunteers continue to deliver meals for Meals on Wheels Belton. We’ll continue to share Service Day activities in the monthly newsletter. Please take advantage of this team-building activity to make a difference in our local community.
Finally, we activated our Employee Disaster Relief Program due to Hurricane Beryl’s devastating impacts on Texas community members. Special thanks to the HR and field leadership teams for helping us to identify needs and communicate with impacted community members.
Only with your assistance can we carry out our mission. Thank you for continuing to support our mission by living our core values of We Care, We Share, We Listen, We Innovate, We Excel, and We are Thankful! Please interact with us on socials, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and share our newsletter to amplify our positive impact as we build and empower people and inspire innovation.
In Community,
Jolsna Thomas
President, The Rosendin Foundation