Monthly President’s Letter: April 2024

Dear Community Members and Builders,
This month, The Rosendin Foundation focused on our core value of WE INNOVATE by diligently planning for TRF Camp Build. Our volunteers reviewed the camper applications received, selected our 2024 TRF Camp Build campers, and established a ranked waitlist should accepted camper’s plans change preventing them from participating. The staff has been ensuring all logistics are complete to execute our camps, including the development for 2nd year camper hard hat stickers!
The Camp Curriculum Committee completed their fine-tuning of the builds, and our sponsors helped us procure the needed build supplies. In addition, TRF Camp Build volunteer opportunities are now open! We appreciate and hope you will support our local camp teams by volunteering your time and talents to build and empower the next generation of construction professionals and master craftworkers. We would like to especially thank our TRF Camp Build sponsors. Your assistance allows us to host free construction camps for middle schoolers nationwide. Next month, we will share images and videos from our first 2024 TRF Camp Build in Sherman, TX.
The Rosendin Foundation’s Fundraising Committee and staff launched our 3rd Annual Golf Tournament and Auction presented by Border States and Sunbelt Rentals, to be held September 23 at We-Ko-Pa Golf Club in Arizona. Thank you to our steadfast supporters for returning as sponsors to support our community-building efforts and help The Rosendin Foundation EXCEL.
Our team has also implemented new LISTENING tools with the assistance of the Rosendin/MPS field leadership and safety teams. We can now SHARE information and opportunities with our field teams for increased involvement. We look forward to continuing to share with field personnel through monthly toolbox talks and providing information to job sites and offices.
Our internal grant-making process is also getting a facelift. To increase efficiency, we are transitioning to a new platform that will launch before the July 1st Annual Grants Deadline.
As is the case each month, our volunteers continue to demonstrate WE CARE through Service Days and share their time and talents volunteering in our local communities. In Charlotte, our team made over 400 seed envelopes to support TreesCharlotte, a public/private nonprofit collaboration to grow, diversify, and steward the city’s iconic urban forest. Our Arizona team helped pack 3,276 meals designed to reverse and prevent undernutrition for children in 70 countries through Feed My Starving Children.
We also have ongoing Service Day activities in multiple locations. In Central Texas, our teams continue to collect books in the Texas Book Drive to be donated to BookSpring, a leading organization focused on early literacy interventions for low-income families. Our Prineville, OR team will be making their final drop-off of bottles and cans they are collecting this month to support Humane Society of The Ochocos. In Virginia, our office and field teams are collecting dry and canned goods for UCAP, a nonprofit dedicated to the well-being of those who have been impacted by poverty, unemployment, homelessness, crime, and inadequate public health services in Prince George’s County, MD.
Finally, if someone you know would like to learn more about what The Rosendin Foundation does and opportunities to volunteer, please share our newsletter and encourage them to share their email address with us to get added to our monthly newsletter distribution list.
In Community,
Jolsna Thomas, President